Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that get saved onto your device by websites, via the web browser such as Chrome or Safari. Cookies enable us to remember your preferences and help us understand how people are using our site so that we can improve it. By continuing to use our website, you accept that cookies may be set on your device, as outlined in this cookies policy.

This cookies policy details how KRG Holdings Ltd uses cookies on our website.

First-party cookies

These Web Analytics cookies are set by us and they enable us to understand how our website is used by visitors so that we can continuously improve it.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are not set by KRG Holdings Ltd, but by third parties who we work with. Some of these third-party cookies enable useful services e.g. online questionnaires. In the section below on "Managing cookies", we explain how you can change your settings so that third parties know that you do not want to be tracked.

Social media cookies

Some pages on our websites let you share our content through social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes we may embed videos from sites such as Vimeo or YouTube. These sites set their own cookies, which we do not control and will have their own cookies policies, which you will find on their websites.

Managing Cookies

Most web browsers all allow you to manage cookies. You can choose to accept or reject all cookies, or just specific types of cookies. Please note that turning off cookies will restrict your use of our website.

The following links provide information on how to modify the cookies settings on some popular browsers:

Force24 Cookies & Tracking 
Our organisation utilises Force24’s marketing automation platform.

Force24 cookies are first party cookies and are enabled at the point of cookie acceptance on 
this website. The cookies are named below:
• F24_autoID
• F24_personID

They allow us to understand our audience engagement thus allowing better optimisation of 
marketing activity.

f24_autoId – This is a temporary identifier on a local machine or phone browser that helps us track anonymous information to be later married up with 
f24_personid. If this is left anonymous it will be deleted after 6 months . Non-essential, first party, 10 years, persistent.
f24_personId – This is an ID generated per individual contact in the Force24 system to be able to track behaviour and form submissions into the Force24 system from outside sources per user. This is used for personalisation and ability to segment decisions for further communications. Non-essential, first party, 10 years, persistent.

The information stored by Force24 cookies remains anonymous until:
• Our website is visited via clicking from an email or SMS message, sent via the 
Force24 platform and cookies are accepted on the website.
• A user of the website completes a form containing email address from either our
website or our Force24 landing pages. 

The Force24 cookies will remain on a device for 10 years unless they are deleted.

Other Tracking 
We also use similar technologies including tracking pixels and link tracking to monitor your viewing activities

Device & browser type and open statistics
All emails have a tracking pixel ( a tiny invisible image ) with a query string in the URL. Within the URL we have user details to identify who opened an email for statistical purposes. 

Link Tracking
All links within emails and SMS messages sent from the Force24 platform contain a unique tracking reference, this reference help us identify who clicked an email for statistical purposes.